Please note: Fox Court and the American Wing galleries will be CLOSED for a private event on Wednesday, January 15 until 2:30 p.m.

For Families

Free Family Sundays: Make a Beaded Portrait

Meet us in the Joseph Education Center Studio for a workshop inspired by the special exhibition Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams. Experiment with beads and wire to sculpt a portrait of yourself or a loved one! This workshop will be led by Quante Thomas and Susan Tuberville, guest instructors from Creative Alliance’s Kerplunk! program.


Creative Alliance’s Keplunk!

Kerplunk! is a free drop-in art class for younger kids and families held at Baltimore’s Creative Alliance. Join Kerplunk! every Saturday to create fun seasonal crafts and art projects based on current exhibitions. Learn more about classes.

Teaching Artists

Quante Thomas

Hi, my name is Quante Thomas! I was born and raised here in Baltimore. I love hip-hop dance and creating new choreography! I’m not grounded in any one form of art. I’m open to trying new dance styles and using different mediums in crafts. I’m inspired by my city, its unique dance style and culture!

Susan Tuberville

Susan Tuberville is an artist, maker, and community-based educator. She is interested in co-creating experiences with others, finding joy in the process of making or transforming objects, spaces, and connections. Much of her personal artwork draws on themes of memory and play, primarily through fibers and mixed media. Born and raised in the Memphis, TN area, Susan completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts and teaching certification at Birmingham-Southern College. Her journey as an educator began in Birmingham, then led her to teaching art internationally. She later earned her MFA in community arts at Maryland Institute College of Art, and feels lucky to set roots in Baltimore. Susan facilitates artmaking experiences and collaborative projects in a variety of media for community groups and organizations throughout Maryland. She teaches regularly at Creative Alliance and leads the Community Art Collaborative program at MICA, where she enjoys being able to support impactful arts programming across Baltimore.

The Details

Location BMA Main Campus Cost Free

Dates & Times