Close Encounters is a free six-session program developed by the Baltimore Museum of Art for fourth graders in Baltimore City Public Schools. Students will explore three topics: Portraits & Personalities, Stories in Art, and Moods & Feelings. After each tour, students will participate in facilitated Make & Share activities designed to promote social and emotional learning. Students strengthen their curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, and self-reflection through close observation of art, discussion, writing, and making. 

Choose to tour entirely from your classroom, with three thematic tours and three Make & Share sessions that are virtual. Or choose a hybrid program of three in-person tours at the Museum and three virtual Make & Share sessions.  

Begun in 1982, Close Encounters supports Baltimore City Public Schools’ Visual Art curriculum for fourth graders. 


Close Encounters is supported in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Maryland State Department of Education, Wilmington Trust, The Goldsmith Family Foundation, and The Howard C. and Marguerite E. Muller Charitable Foundation.

Institute of Museum and Library Services logo

Learn more about Close Encounters

Schedule Your Sessions

Tell us more about your classroom and sign up for the Close Encounters program.